Keyboard shorcuts
Simulation Keys
- [F1] - Start simulation (same as )
- [F2] - Simulate continiously. (same as )
- [F3] - Simulate for 1 step. (same as )
- [F4] - Stop simulation. (same as )
- [F7] - View Universe properties.
- [F8] - Examine organism. (same as )
- [F9] - Launch the 3D explorer. (same as )
- [F10] - View all. (same as )
- [Ctrl-X] - Cut organism. (same as )
- [Ctrl-C] - Copy organism. (same as )
- [Ctrl-V] - Paste organism. (same as )
- [Ctrl-F] - Find.
- [Del] - Delete organism.
- [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] - Pan the simulation window.
Debugging Keys
When debugging KFORTH programs (view organism dialog, or kforth interpreter), these keys can be used:
- [F5] - Run
- [F8] - Clear all breakpoints
- [F9] - Add/remove breakpoint (at the instruction where the cursor is)
- [F10] - Step over (skips over call if, ifelse)
- [F11] - Step into
3D Explorer Keys
When viewing the simulation in 3D mode, these keys can be used:
- [F1] - Toggle the simulation on and off
- g - Enter/Exit game mode
- [ESC] or Ctrl-C - Quit this window
- w or [up] arrow - move forward
- s or [down] arrow - move backward
- a or [left] arrow - strafe left
- d or [right] arrow - strafe right
- space - climb
- c - descend
- 1 - simulate 1 steps between re-drawing
- 2 - simulate 2 steps between re-drawing
- 3 - simulate 3 steps between re-drawing
- 9 - simulate 9 steps between re-drawing
To look around use left-click on the mouse and move the mouse around.